
B3RIDER is a website about traveling on a motorcycle, about freedom on wheels, about experiences from traveling, but mainly about turning your dreams into reality! Because everyone deserves to live out their dreams even if they don’t involve a motorcycle.



the B3 Tour 2019

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You will not only find my experiences but the experiences of various interesting people, I had to the privilege to meet and befriend. With their help I will show you how to be free. That’s what it’s all about B3 – BE FREE!

In February 2019, for my birthday, I finally bought my first motorcycle. A HONDA NT650V DEAUVILLE. I drove around a bit in Prague and its surroundings and on June 30th, 2019 I started living my dream. I started traveling. And how did it turn out? I drove 18, 000 km on that trip, and a total of 29, 300 km in 2019. Not bad for my first year on a motorcycle. I broke the Czech endurance record in single trip and set the Slovak one. But most of all, I met amazing people, people who proved to me that my dream is worth living. You will definitely get acquainted with some of them in my articles.



Rádio Anténa Rock

Rádio Anténa Rock will accompany me during the whole trip and will bring listeners the most important info live.


Elegantny Web.sk

Without Henrietta this website would definitely not look as good as it does. Believe me, I’ve tried myself, I know what I’m talking about.


YAMAHA-Petro a spol.

The company YAMAHA-Petro a spol. provided me with the complete outfit for this trip. I recommend the Yamaha Presov store, where they are not only excellent and professional, but according to my experience, they will do even more to suit you, and even more rarely, if they don’t have exactly what you’re looking for, they’ll advise you on what product to get from their competition. That was my personal experience. I don’t know about you, but I really appreciate such sales practices. That’s why this company has dressed me.



GSM Supervisor has provided me with a GPS Dozor so that I can share my location with you at all times.


Fa: Systematika NLP

Invaluable advice, coaching, planning, mental training, text editing, providing contacts, and much more, all this has been done by one man, Daniel Tylš.


Fa: Ondřej Calábek

Ondřej Calábek
Překladatel, učitel a rodilý mluvčí anglického jazyka.

Nenechajte sa zmýliť jeho menom, je to vlastne američan. Tento skromný chlap nielen že prekladá môj web, ešte ma aj upozorňuje na slovenské preklepy. 

A to nie je všetko.


Zaujalo vás čo robím? Čitajte ďalej…


Initial opinions

Initial opinions

And it started. Initial opinions, First wave of criticism. Many people think that what I have decided to do is impossible, or at best, that it is crazy, nonsense, madness. I LIKE IT! I will not...

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